The Advanced Wood Products objective is to redefine the wood products, architecture and construction industry by changing the fundamental approach for non-residential construction. There are many advantages and opportunities for using mass timber in commercial buildings, but the industry has not yet fully embraced this new approach. The Tallwood Design Institute provides an ideal collaboration structure (OSU – COF & COE, UO-COD) to launch ideas that will foster and promote this industry in ways that support ongoing economic development opportunities for timber-dependent rural communities.
The mass timber market in the US is accelerating as it responds to wide-spread adoption in Europe. The NW region and Oregon will either become exporters or importers in this segment. There is top-to-bottom engagement in the state, but there is no alignment on how to tip the adoption of Oregon mass timber for non-residential construction. Oregon State is in a perfect position to drive this change.
Impact Studio and Oregon State began their work to develop an initiative around this opportunity in 2018. We will pick up this work again and continue as resources become available and opportunities are presented.