The Transfer Enrollment and Success Expansion, originally named “Gateway,” has moved to Scale-up and is under the leadership of Jon Boeckenstedt, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management; daily leadership of the effort is being transitioned from Open Campus to the Office of Admissions.  Bridget Jones has been named the new Sr. Associate Director of Transfer Student Admissions and will lead the efforts.  The new organizational structure brings the project in alignment with OSU’s Degree Partnership Program (DPP) and other transfer recruitment and admissions activities. The effort remains a campus-wide collaboration, with many OSU staff playing a role in transfer recruitment, transitions, and success.

The Transfer Enrollment and Success Expansion emerged from a systematic institutional innovation effort begun in 2016-17 that engaged stakeholders across the campus to surface and evaluate a series of ideas for their academic merit and capacity to generate net revenue for the Oregon State. The initiative has significant potential to advance the University's access and affordability goals, was the first such idea to gain approval by the President and Provost for further development with appropriate stakeholder engagement and shared governance through Impact Studio.

Oregon State is currently in partnership with Portland Community College (PCC) administrators, advisors, staff, and students. Our presence and partnership with PCC was implemented to ensure student retention, reduce credit loss between institutions, and develop of a “sense of belonging” toward Oregon State while students are at PCC, most often through participation in OSU’s Degree Partnership Program. The effort provides on-the-ground coaching for students transferring to any of our Oregon State locations, or online. OSU Transfer Success Coaches are co-located with PCC Advisors at Rock Creek Campus, and meets on-site with students at other PCC locations: Southeast, Sylvania, and Cascades Campuses. OSU plans to expand the number of Transfer Success Coaches in partner community colleges in late fall 2019, and continue to partner with OSU Extension and Open Campus in rural community colleges. Discussions with potential new community college partners are underway.

Team Leadership

Bridget Jones (Lead)
Senior Associate Director of Transfer Admissions
Office of Admissions
Jon Boeckenstedt (Sponsor)
Vice Provost
Enrollment Management